Learning a new language is one of the things that most interests you today. But why should you start learning Spanish? We all know that speaking a new language has many benefits. For this reason, in this article we have offered to collect some of the reasons why you should choose to learn Spanish. Keep reading!

The main reason why you should learn Spanish is that Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. Over 572 million people speak Spanish and this number is expected to continue to grow in the years to come! Learning Spanish will be particularly useful if you want to bet on a practical language that you can use in your future.

In fact, Spanish is the second language in the world with the most native speakers, behind Mandarin Chinese! This makes learning Spanish help you communicate in many people’s native language, which will make your communication skills easier. Perhaps this, coupled with the fact that Spanish is recognized as an official language in more than 20 countries, has contributed enormously to more and more people deciding to learn Spanish.

Moreover, Spanish is also one of the most studied languages, making it one of the most spoken languages ​​in the world. Indeed, between natives and non-natives, 7.8% of the world population speaks it. Isn’t that a good reason to learn Spanish? ?

Being one of the most learned languages ​​in the world, the Spanish language enjoys the support of an officially recognized public institution that watches over the Spanish language and culture: the Cervantes Institute . This institution pays particular attention to the linguistic and cultural heritage of Spanish-speaking countries, while contributing to the dissemination of Spanish culture and language and caring for those who wish to learn Spanish. Learning Spanish in a center accredited by the Cervantes Institute is a guaranteed test of the effectiveness of the teaching method!

Moreover, it is such a widely spoken language that it has become one of the most widely used languages ​​in the world. Not only do major international organizations have Spanish as their official language, but it is also one of the most widely used languages ​​in business, commerce and tourism. Still don’t think learning Spanish is the key to opening the door to a prosperous future? ?

Of course, that’s not all: there are even more reasons to learn Spanish. This language is the second most used on the web, especially on social media platforms such as Facebook y Twitter and Youtube . On the other hand, you cannot understand a language without its culture: in fact, the cultural baggage behind the Spanish language is immense, since we find great cultural references in different fields of music, cinema, art and literature, both Spanish and Latin. American.

Do you dare to learn Spanish? In this case, we invite you to consult our offer of online courses , which will allow you to learn Spanish online comfortably from home thanks to live, interactive and group lessons. Don’t hesitate and study Spanish with the Hispania Community ! ?

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