How to train and acquire new skills when you don’t have the time or the possibility to travel? Worse: when a health crisis confines you to your home? More than ever, distance education (or e-learning) appears to be an ideal solution, especially as the establishments offering this formula are constantly increasing. What training is available? How are the trainings presented? We tell you everything.

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What is Distance Learning?

Distance learning (or e-learning ) is a way to train and validate a diploma remotely, that is to say without having to go to a school to attend classes. A particularly interesting solution for people who have a day job (employees, stay-at-home mothers, etc.), are abroad or cannot travel.

Find out if you have the profile .

Concretely, the student receives the lessons at home which he can thus study at any time. Often the courses are accompanied by exercises to be carried out and sent back so that they can be corrected by teachers . More and more establishments have moved from paper to mouse in recent years and now use digital tools (email, chat, video, etc.) to facilitate learning and interaction between student and teacher.

If distance learning has many advantages , and in particular its flexibility, note that you must be particularly motivated to succeed . Before you start, take stock of the advantages and disadvantages of this formula .

Which trainings are concerned?

Hundreds of training courses are accessible remotely, at any level (from CAP to Bac+5) and in many specialties. Some allow you to obtain a diploma, others a professional qualification , others recognized skills. They don’t all take the same amount of time. Find out about the options available to you . Thus, it is even possible to prepare a degree in design remotely!

As for establishments, between public actors (Cned, Cnam, etc.) and private organizations, often specialized in a sector, you are also spoiled for choice

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diploma is recognized Next post How do I know if a diploma is recognized?

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