In the multitude of post-baccalaureate schools (business, engineering, arts, etc.), it is difficult to find one’s way today… How do you know, except for renowned schools, what recognition they have benefit from the State or companies, that is to say, what are their teachings and diplomas “worth”?

The schools are either  public , therefore recognized by the State, or  private under an association contract with the State, or  private outside the contract , that is to say not recognized by the State.

In addition to the recognition of the diplomas they offer, schools can also hold guarantees of quality such as  labels  or  accreditations .

State recognized schools

Recognition by the State certifies that the school has all the conditions necessary to obtain the diplomas for which it prepares. There is recognition if, and only if, at least one class of students has graduated, and after checking the equipment, premises, pedagogical quality of teaching, administration of teaching staff, management and financial balance of the school.

Find out more:  National Education Directory

A private school is recognized following a ministerial investigation which relates in particular to its operation and its supervisory staff. It must respect the programs of the Ministry of National Education, timetables and staffing standards. On the other hand, the selection standards differ from one school to another. This recognition enables it to receive subsidies and to host scholarship students.

Consular schools, i.e. Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and Chambers of Trades (CMA), are recognized by the State and prepare either for national diplomas or for their own certificates. to their schools. They can issue diplomas referred to by the Ministry of National Education, sometimes with the grade of Master for Bac+5 diplomas.

Their Apprentice Training Centers (CFA) prepare for National Education diplomas or titles from consular chambers (CCI and CMA).

The schools of the CCI Paris Ile-de-France

They receive no state aid. In return, they have total freedom in the recruitment of teachers, programs, educational content and educational methods. They can nevertheless prepare for diplomas recognized by the State (Bac, BTS, etc.). Some are under the supervision of chambers of trade unions, employers or professional federations, which nevertheless obliges them to respect certain educational and professional criteria.

Recognition of diplomas in France

Recognized by the State as part of their registration in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP),  professional certifications , like State diplomas,  certify a level of study corresponding to the level of qualification recorded .

They guarantee the validation of the skills  and knowledge necessary for the exercise of professional activities according to criteria established by the  Ministry of Labour .

These certified diplomas can be consulted on the  National Directory of Professional Certifications  on which you will find the date of recognition by the State, the sectors of activity and types of employment concerned and the methods of access to certification (initial training, apprenticeship , continuing education, VAE).

Taken into account within the framework of the classifications defined by the collective agreements of the professional branches, they give access to a large number of competitions in the same way as a diploma awarded by the Ministry of National Education.

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