There are many criteria to take into account when choosing your training: professional integration, the adequacy of the training with your project, the program, the recognition of the training and the school, but also its duration and its cost.

1. Before looking for training, your professional project must be well defined

Whether it is to maintain one’s employability, move to another position or retrain, training is a way of obtaining the knowledge necessary for a job. Your project must be built according to your aspirations and of course according to the needs of the job market and the change of profession you want to undertake. So, to find the right training you must above all be able to answer the following questions:

What knowledge do you need to get?

What level of education is required?

Are training courses or schools particularly sought after?

2. Research existing training and organizations

To qualify for a CPF PTP, your training must be eligible for the CPF (Personal Training Account) and be certified (registered in the RNCP or in the specific directory). You can check it on the “  My activity account  ” site or even on the “  Professional certification ” site. Let’s be clear: there is no place where you will find all the training that exists. Different research is needed to find existing formations and organizations. A few tips, depending on your needs:

training in Île-de-France: www.defi-metiers.fr

On this site you will also find the evaluations of Transitions Pro Île-de-France on listed training courses . They are classified according to 3 levels:

 … for a training action recommended as a priority by Transitions Pro Île-de-France;

 … for a training action recommended by Transitions Pro Île-de-France;

… for a training action without recommendation by Transitions Pro Île-de-France.

Training without qualification most often corresponds to actions not yet evaluated by Transitions Pro Île-de-France.

training throughout France: www.intercariforef.org/formations (Info offer)

short training courses to obtain highly targeted skills: www.iciformation.fr or www.kelformation.com

training eligible for the Personal Training Account: www.moncompteformation.gouv.fr

In order to find out about the existing diplomas for an activity or a field, you can directly consult the “  Professional Certification  ” site, which references the certifications listed in the RNCP or in the specific Directory.

3. Ensure that the training offer gives guarantees in terms of quality

magnifying glass fungicif ile-de-france

For this, do not hesitate to consult our reference catalog which lists the training organizations  “referenceable in Datadock” financed by Transitions Pro Île-de-France since January 1 , 2017.  Download the document ↓

If the organization is not referenced, inquire with Transitions Pro Île-de-France to find out if it can be referenced in Datadock.

Indeed, Transitions Pro Île-de-France’s mission is to finance training organizations that meet quality criteria imposed by decree: clear training objectives, training adapted to the level of each, the competence of the trainers, the equipment made available for training, the success rate in assessments, etc.

Please note that if your training organization is not “referenceable in Datadock” , your CPF Professional Transition Project funding application cannot be accepted .

4. Meet with training organizations

hat french diploma fungicif ile-de-france

After selecting training and training organizations on the internet, meet the training organizations that appeal to you the most. This meeting with training organizations is an essential step in choosing the organization that best suitsyou.Indeed, discussing with a training manager will allow you to find out more about:

Learning methods

Support and follow-up during training

The organization of the courses

The team of trainers

Pass the tests and possible interviews

Carry out a preliminary positioning action in an individual interview.

Visit the premises and look at the equipment

To help you in this process, we provide you with a tool sheet with the key questions to choose your training and your training organization. Download document ↓

5. Collect external opinions

The training organizations will exchange with you on the course and the outlets of the training. To get an outside opinion, do not hesitate to discuss with former trainees or even people who are currently training in the establishment. Also remember to talk to professionals to find out about the courses and schools you are looking for.

6. Make a measured and thoughtful choice

Choosing the right training and the right training organization requires getting information from training organizations and professionals. Compare the data collected to help you make a choice. This choice takes into consideration several elements: the labor market, your project, training, the training organization, its “Datadock” referencing, and its eligibility for the CPF.

The checklist of questions to ask yourself before signing

I took the time to reflect and I regret nothing

I have put together my project well, I have no doubts about my orientation

The training chosen will help me to have the skills sought by recruiters

The duration and pace of my training correspond to my personal and professional constraints

The organization assessed my level before accepting me and we carried out a preliminary positioning action.

I checked the possible outlets and I was even followed for a while after the training.

My organization is referenceable on Datadock, recognized by employers and my training is certifying and eligible for the CPF

I met several organizations… And not just near my home

I visited the premises and saw the equipment

If the training is canceled, I have a plan B and even a plan C

I have made an estimate and I know the overall cost of the training.

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