Preparation is ensured by the IPAGs (Institutes for preparation for general administration), attached to the universities, and by the CPAGs (Centres for preparation for general administration), attached to the IEPs (Institutes for political studies); there are also preparation centers for the ENA (National School of Administration) in certain universities and certain IEPs, in particular that of Paris. Preparations for competitions are organized by the continuing education services of certain universities and schools of higher education. Preparation for the judicial examinations is provided by certain faculties of law and in certain IEPs. For the teaching competitions, preparation is ensured by the IUFM (university teacher training institutes).

For category B and C competitions

Some Gretas (groups of public educational establishments) provide preparatory actions for various competitions; this is also the case for certain town halls in large cities (for the Paris Town Hall: information from the arrondissement town halls).

For candidates of modest means

Since 2005, some schools such as the National School of National Police (ENSP), the National School of Police Officers (ENSOP) and more recently in 2008, schools under the Ministry of Justice such as the National School of the judiciary (ENM), the National School of Prison Administration (ENAP)… have set up integrated preparatory classes intended to provide material and educational support to candidates of modest means as part of their preparation for various civil service competitions. Find out more

Finally, competition preparation actions are more particularly intended for job seekers living in a sensitive urban area. Information: from the local missions.

For agents already working in the administration

The IGPDE (Institute of Public Management and Economic Development), attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, offers preparation for entrance examinations to the ENA, the IRA (Regional Institutes of Administration) and the common internal category C competition of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The CNFPT (National Center for the Territorial Public Service) provides preparation actions for the territorial public service competitions. Are you preparing for the CPA Exams in the US? These CPA exam review courses have helped thousands of CPA examinees.

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