In order to offer you quality training in learning an African language, we have set up a course methodology where each learner has the opportunity to learn a foreign language or improve their mother tongue. We adapt to your needs with intensive courses for your academic, professional or personal expectations. French students or foreign students such as Dutch or Africans, employees or learners who are natives of an African country where African is practiced will be able to benefit from a perfect command of this language and speak fluently the African. Our goal is to help you make your learning project a reality. You should know that in the past, Southern Africa was a colony belonging to the Netherlands.

Dominant language in some African countries and considered as the language mainly spoken in Southern Africa and around its peripheries such as in South Africa, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe or Botswana, we help you speak an African language effectively and quickly !

Thanks to our online platform, you will be able to speak an African language perfectly and master the basics. Our training center adapts to each learner to give them the benefit of personalized learning, so you can learn at your own pace.

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Language training

Master an African language by benefiting from a funded apprenticeship

Do you want to learn an African language with a language school that allows you to finance your learning? You are in the right place ! Different organizations can offer to take care of you, among them, we find the Pôle emploi and the OPCOs. There are also devices such as the FIFPL or the FNE which can fully or partially finance your online African language courses.

You will be able to learn your language while amortizing your budget. Our mission is to allow all learners to enroll in our language training. Don’t wait any longer to take advantage of this funding to learn a new language or perfect a language you already know.

These systems are set up for foreign or French students as part of their studies as well as for employees or job seekers for professional reasons. Find out now about the grants that can be granted to you! If you have a professional retraining project or want to progress in your career, now is the time to register on Les Langues d’Afrique and take advantage of a program that helps you quickly assimilate an African language or another of your choice! Our online courses are intensive and efficient in order to provide you with learning with convincing results! You will be able to work an African language easily throughout your training while combining your job or your university studies. Our center is a good way to learn an African language and speak it perfectly!

Top 10 intercultural trainings

Why choose Les Langues d’Afrique to improve your language skills?

choose africa languages

No matter which language you choose to learn, it can be complex at first. The best way to learn easily while being comfortable with a language to learn is to choose a reliable and certified language school like ours! We give you the opportunity to progress quickly to speak one or several languages.

Our method makes it easy to learn official African languages ​​that are usually difficult to assimilate alone. Learning foreign languages ​​is ideal for promoting your professional career, going abroad or perfecting your studies! But knowing the language of a country must be established in an organized and rigorous way, as is the case within our language centre. We teach you the most spoken languages ​​in Southern Africa and African countries!

You will make your language stays more enriching and will be able to share pleasant moments in the company of native speakers.

If for a professional or school reason, South Africa or another country must become your host country and you are wondering how to learn a language that is not yours, know that our training organization helps you to practice the language with videoconference courses to facilitate your learning. Hearing a language through this device allows for better oral comprehension. Have no apprehension about modern languages ​​because we are here to teach you the language of the country concerned. You will be able to master your conversations over the weeks and learn new words day by day. Learning the local Afrikaans language will hold no secrets for you! Our methods are useful for learning and memorizing without difficulty. We offer you to master one or two languages ​​depending on your need to learn dialects and other official languages. Our methodology makes it possible to learn several languages ​​at the same time and to learn as much as possible everything that results from the practice of a foreign language. We offer other languages ​​spoken in the world such as literary Arabic. A large number of speakers have trusted us, why not you! We offer you to master one or two languages ​​depending on your need to learn dialects and other official languages. Our methodology makes it possible to learn several languages ​​at the same time and to learn as much as possible everything that results from the practice of a foreign language. We offer other languages ​​spoken in the world such as literary Arabic. A large number of speakers have trusted us, why not you! We offer you to master one or two languages ​​depending on your need to learn dialects and other official languages. Our methodology makes it possible to learn several languages ​​at the same time and to learn as much as possible everything that results from the practice of a foreign language. We offer other languages ​​spoken in the world such as literary Arabic. A large number of speakers have trusted us, why not you! We offer other languages ​​spoken in the world such as literary Arabic. A large number of speakers have trusted us, why not you! We offer other languages ​​spoken in the world such as literary Arabic. A large number of speakers have trusted us, why not you!

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